Sunday, December 4, 2016

Blithe Splash Mask - review

Recently I've heard a lot about Splash masks, which is a new type of mask from Korea, which is supposed to give you results in just 15 seconds, and as the name suggest, you just have to splash it on your face.

Blithe is a Korean brand and their splash mask is one of the most hyped ones out there. They make 3 different versions, a green tea, a purple berry and a yellow citrus honey.

Green tea: Formulated with green tea extract and tea tree leaf oil to quickly soothe and calm irritated skin.
Purple berry: Formulated with antioxidant packed berries to help leave skin looking brighter and more youthful.
Yellow citrus honey: Formulated with citrus fruit extracts and honey to help brighten skin for a natural, youthful glow.

These masks contains lactic acid and botanical extracts that will help re-texturize and smooth your skin instantly and increase radiance over time. You can either fill your sink with water and add a cap full of the splash mask to the water, and splash it on your face and pat it in. Alternatively you can use it in the shower and put about half a cap full in your palm, and pat it on your wet face while having the shower water hit your face. 
I find the best way for me is to use it in the shower. I feel like I waste less product, plus I can use it on my body as well. 

It sounds to good to be true, but the results are instant with this mask. My skin feels softer and smoother right after I use it. I highly recommend these masks, though you don't need all three of them. I don't see any difference between the purple and the green mask, and I doubt the yellow is much different, so choose the one you'd like best. They do smell very different though, the green one smells like herbs and green tea, and the purple one smells like sweet berries. I haven't smelled the yellow one, but from what I've heard it smells like citrus, which makes sense. 

I bought my splash masks from but they are sold in Sephora and other online stores as well. The mask cost 45$ for a 200ml bottle, which is about 30 uses (if you use a whole cap full every time, but I find I use way less product with the shower method). 

I hope this was helpful!
