Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Sheet masks

A while ago I ordered a ton of different sheet masks, and since I read a lot of posts about doing a sheet mask every day I wanted to try it out and see what would happen.
I used 4 sheet masks, one mask every day for 4 days straight, and my skin did get hydrated and felt nice and plump, but I didn't feel a different benefits from each mask and honestly I don't think I will with any of the masks I bought.
The masks shown are very affordable and cost from less than $1 to about $3 each. The masks are all supposed to be good for different things and concerns, but honestly I only expect sheet masks to hydrate my skin, since it is essentially just a cloth with serum on it. 

I do recommend buying some sheet masks and try to do the "7 days of sheet masks challenge", if not for the benefit of the masks then at least to just have 30 minutes of relax time every day.


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