Sunday, December 21, 2014

Konjac sponge - review

I've been using the Konjac sponge for almost 2 months, and I really like it! There are a lot of different brands making this sponge, but I got mine from eBay where I bought 5 Konjac sponges for about $5. A lot of sponges are marketed as "infused" with red clay or green tea or other skin beneficial stuff, but honestly I don't believe there is anything "infused" into these sponges.

The sponge has a very funny texture but feels very gentle on the skin. It does exfoliate the skin very gently, and I have noticed my skin being a lot more smooth and soft after using this sponge. I have heard this sponge removes blackheads but I haven't noticed any difference there.

The Konjac sponges claim to do a lot of different things, but I honestly believe it's just a very nice cleansing sponge and nothing more. That's why I got mine cheap off of eBay, since I don't see the point of paying more for the same sponge under a different brand name.

If you are looking for a cleansing tool that is cheap and pretty effective then this is for you. I like this sponge more than my Clarisonic Mia, and it's a lot cheaper! It cleanses the skin well and makes it smooth which makes your makeup sit nicer. It's a win-win!


I got my sponges here: Link

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