Friday, March 25, 2016

Taaj vs. Bioderma - Micellar water comparison

I've been using micellar water for years and my go to has always been Bioderma, since it was mild and good for my sensitive skin, but recently I tried the Taaj micellar water and though I use it for the same thing, there's something different about this product.

Bioderma is simple, there's no scent and it takes off makeup gently. Taaj has a slight scent, which I would describe as kinda like sweet almond, but it's very mild. For some reason the scent makes me believe there's some extra skin benefits in the Taaj water but I can't be sure, though my skin has actually been more blemish free since I switched to the Taaj one.

I made a video showing how the two micellar waters compare in taking makeup off. In the video I used waterproof mascara, concealer, black eyeshadow and a berry lip stain.

In the video you can see that both micellar waters have trouble taking off waterproof mascara, which is why I recommend not using them on your eyes, simply because they will drag the skin too much. The Taaj water did completely take off everything with a bit of scrubbing but to my surprise the Bioderma had more trouble with the lip stain than I expected. I had to scrub a lot harder to remove the mascara and the lip stain and my skin was a bit red as I'm pointing out in the video.

Surprisingly Taaj won this round, but I'm not complaining, because I actually like it a tiny bit better than the Bioderma, and the Taaj micellar water is cheaper too. It's a win win.


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