Sunday, April 10, 2016

Taaj Cleansing oil - Review

In my last post I talked about how the Taaj micellar water had quickly become my go to cleansing water, so when I saw they had a cleansing oil I quickly picked it up and tried it out.

The first thing I noticed was the scent. It's very strong and smells more like a hair oil than something I'd put on my face. It's not a bad smell just not something I've ever smelled before in a face product, so if you don't like your skincare to have a strong smell this is not for you!

The oil feels nice going on the skin and when you add water it turns milky. I used it like I normally would with my Foreo dupe and my konjac sponge and I did feel like my skin was clean without being stripped of it's natural moisture.

However, only few hours after using this cleansing oil my skin broke out. I usually don't break out from products I use on my skin and I've only ever broken out from a cleanser once before, which was the Boscia Detoxifying Black Cleanser (review here).  

I waited a few days for my skin to heal and tried the Taaj cleansing oil again, since I have used stuff in the past, I thought broke me out, but then later it turned out it was something else, like stress or hormones or something else not related to the product I was trying out.

But the same thing happened, my skin broke out and I haven't used the product since. I might try using it to clean my makeup brushes and put it to use that way, but I'm never putting it straight on my face again.

I really wanted to like this product but I really can't recommend it, since I don't even have skin that normally reacts like that to skincare products.

I hope this was helpful.


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