Thursday, October 16, 2014

Acne update

I have finished my 3 months of antibiotics about 10 days ago and here's an update on how my skin is doing.

During the months I took antobiotic I would still break out once in a while, but the spots would heal very quickly and the breakouts weren't as bad as they were before I started the treatment.
Before the antibiotics treatment I was also on birth control pills that would control my hormones in case my hormones were the reason I was breaking out. I'm still on the same birth control pills just because I could start breaking out from stopping or changing brand.

A few days after I stopped the antibiotics treatment I broke out like crazy. Normally my trouble areas were my chin and cheeks, but I broke out all over my face. I was doing my normal skincare routine and freaked out that the breakouts might be back again, so I did an intensive acid exfoliation ( I will make a post of the treatment I did and what products I used). The day after this exfoliation I noticed that my skin was looking a lot better than the night before and I've continued with my normal skincare routine since.

Today my skin is looking good, there's still scaring that needs to heal but I haven't had a breakout for a while, only the odd tiny spot here and there.


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