Saturday, April 11, 2015

Clarins Instant Eye Makeup Remover - Review

I've heard many good things about this product and I've been wanting to try it for a while but the price tag kept me from buying it. Luckily I got a gift with purchase and this was one of the mini's I received.

This makeup remover claims to take off waterproof eye makeup, and hearing the hype it gets from youtube makeup gurus it should take the waterproof mascara off ridiculously easy. So when I put it on my lashes I expected my mascara to magically come off my lashes with ease. It didn't! My mascara flaked of in small pieces and got in my eyes and made them red and irritated. I had to scrub hard to get every bit of mascara off and it took ages.

I wear waterproof mascara everyday and I've tried many eye makeup removers but I always go back to the same one from my local Matas store which is the Matas own brand waterproof makeup remover. It has an oily feel but I don't mind it, and I actually think it helps condition and nourish my lashes and keep them healthier.

So in conclusion I'm sticking to my old fave and won't be buying the Clarins one, it is not worth the money in my opinion.


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