Saturday, August 5, 2017

Make P:rem - in shower masks

 I've been trying out these masks for a while now and I do have some pro's and con's. 

Clean me. - is a clay based mask that you can put on 10 minutes before you shower on a clean face, and then wash it off when you take your shower. It's not a drying mask since they clay stays wet on your skin, even if you leave it for longer than 10 minutes. The idea with this mask is that when you get in the shower you wet your hands and rub your face, turning the mask into a more milky face wash, making this mask a mask and cleanser in one.
I do like the multitask effect of this product and it is a nice clay based cleanser, but as a clay mask its too mild for me to see any difference in my skin after using it. If you have trouble with large pores and oily skin this might be a good product to try.
The packaging of this mask is a plastic squeeze bottle, which can slip around if you have went hands. The writing on my bottle rubbed off after the 2nd time I used it. 

Wonderful me. - is a hydrating mask that you put on while your showering. It's sticky enough to stay on your face even it you have water in your face. I love using this when I wash my hair with purple shampoo cause the mask will protect my skin from being tinted purple, plus it will keep moisture in my skin while I'm the the shower, and my skin wont have that tight feeling afterwards.
This mask is my fave of the two and it's a really easy mask to use. If I know I'm gonna have a long shower I will usually out this mask on my face and let it sit until I'm done with my hair routine and then wash it off. I felt a difference in my skin from first use.
The bottle of this mask feels a bit rubbery which is great cause it makes it very easy to grip in the shower, and it wont slip out of your hand when your pumping out the product. 

Hope this was helpful!

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