Saturday, April 26, 2014

Origins Make a Difference - buy it or leave it?

The Make a Difference range from Origins is supposed to help hydrate the skin. All products are light, gentle and without parabens and other nasties.

Make a Difference cleansing milk: Gentle cleanser that doesn't strip the skin. This would probably be great for all skin types. Since it's a cleanser and it doesn't sit on the skin for long, it's a bit pricy for what it is. You can definitely find a cleanser just as good in the drugstore.With that said it is a nice product and I will be using it all up.
My verdict - leave it.

Make a Difference Serum: This serum contains hyaluronic acid, which can hold up to a 1000 times it's weight in water. The serum is very good at hydrating the skin and it makes your moisturizer work better because of the hyaluronic acid. I've tried a similar product called Hydraluron which is a gel serum also containing the acid and that doesn't work as well as this Origins serum.
My verdict - buy it.

Make a Difference treatment: A gel like cream that can be used before your moisturizer for extra hydration. I've used up the whole jar (quite fast I might add) and I didn't see any major improvement in my skin. This treatment is the same price as the serum, and the serum is way better at penetrating the skin and getting the product to work rather than just sit on top of the skin like the treatment does.
My verdict - leave it.


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