Wednesday, July 30, 2014

LUSH: Rub Rub Rub - review

My sister got me this scrub, and I thought I was really going to like it, but I didn't. Normally I love most of LUSH products and scents but something about this scrub just doesn't agree with my skin. 
I don't have sensitive skin but this scrub burns my skin as soon as it touches it. 

It is a fine salt scrub with a floral scent. It's a very runny formula and more often than not most of what I scoop out ends up on the floor, making it slippery to the point where I'll slip and fall (yes that happened). 

The salt is fine and to me it doesn't feel like it's scrubbing properly and it's hard to scrub the same place more than 2 seconds because it just slides off. 

I don't know if it's the oils or the salt that's making my skin burn, all I know is that I'm not going to use up this product and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

Let me know if you've had the same experience with this product of if you like it.


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