Monday, October 12, 2015

Boscia Detoxifying Black Cleanser - Review

I bought this cleanser a couple months ago,  and given it a good test run before giving my final review of it.
The cleanser is black when you pump it out and when you rub it on your skin it heats up. After rubbing it in I use a konjac sponge to rub it all over my face and make the cleanser lather up a bit and then I take the cleanser off with a damp wash cloth.

The idea behind this cleanser is great, and sounds good for acne prone skin types, however this did not do anything good for my skin. I tried to love it, I really did, but every time I use it I break out. I even tried using it for a long period of time thinking the breakout was a skin "purge" because all the impurities were being pulled out of my skin, but no. My skin got worse and worse every day I used it.

I don't have very sensitive skin and I never really break out from any products I use on my face, but I really can't see myself use up or repurchase this cleanser. This is trouble in a bottle for me.

Have anyone had good experiences with this product or am I just using this the wrong way? Please let me know.


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